Dubman I think there are a lot of people who weren’t paying attention that now realized they made a mistake. The entire Latino community, for example. I don’t see how things won’t get progressively worse, at least until the midterms.

Smallman1 Can you still kitchen sink it up in America?

Probably, but I reckon the come downs are twitchy as fuck.



The old on and off again!

Speaking of American weapons, what’s happened to Zack?

Speaking of absolute weapons-grade quims, where is Smallman?

Dave’s been absolutely FEWMIN since I threatened to send him an invite!

Have to say, I’ve not been AOC’s biggest fan in the past, but given the ineptitude of the democrats, they should just hand the party over to her and let her run with it.

  • Amps replied to this.

    Amps She struck me as being too far to the left, way too focused on identity politics, to be taken seriously. She seems to be figuring out that won’t win elections now.

    • Amps replied to this.

      303abuser too far to the left

      You were worried about too much peace? Too much equality?

      I’m joking, I’ve seen very little of her other than the obvious clips, and have no idea how she is received by the voters.

        Amps I’m not totally familiar with her either, she just appears to be one of the few democrats who are actually trying to do something at the moment. It’s time for the democrats to shift to being a party of younger, center-left policy-driven representatives.

        • Amps replied to this.

          303abuser center-left policy-driven representatives.

          Dreamy! If they can’t get in after this cluster fuck, they should just pack it in and get a day job.

          I’ve been saying for a decade that the democrats don’t care about winning elections. Still waiting for them to prove me wrong and hopefully sooner than later.


          You couldn’t make it up if you tried!

          Trump said that he knew nothing about it and then attacked the magazine saying that it’s going out of business.