Will give it a whilrl Rhouses.
Went here last night -
Will give it a whilrl Rhouses.
Went here last night -
Am going here later for my birthday -
Along_the_Wire Ed scrolls through the menu and is baffled that there’s no side order menu meaning no spring onion mash.
Went to a Thai spot called Farmhouse Kitchen the other day. Bone-in Short Rib was tremendous.
But places have been struggling around here. Bad. The spot I’m a partner at is doing about 25% of its former business. And we’re lucky around here given the weather is pretty warm through November (unlucky with these god damn wildfires, ’though - my chest is like I have Covid all over again).
jonattonyeah That looks superb
jonattonyeah Very nice. What’s the sauce on top?
If I remember right it’s a panaang curry thing. Place wasn’t inexpensive but one gets their money’s worth. Had some absolute mega-babes who worked there, too.
jonattonyeah Had some absolute mega-babes who worked there, too.
Always best to check for an adams apple @ Thai gaffs
In London for the weekend and had a lunch at Amelia’s crafted pasta at St Katherine’s dock.
The Pappardelle bechemal Bolognese was probably the best I ever tasted. Very nice. Didn’t scrimp at all on the high quality beef in the ragu. Nice view across the dock/boars
Very posh
Going to put my head above the parapet and say I thought my dinner at Cecconi’s in the West End last week was magnificent. The truffle pasta is probably the best I’ve had in London.
Jules72 Over-priced, old-school Italian nonsense. My heart sinks on the rare occasion a client wants to go there.
Along_the_Wire haha knew you wouldn’t like it… it is ridiculously expensive no doubt… but I haven’t had an Italian meal here that good in a long time
Bocca Di Lupo.
Grant’s only good recommendation!