How does one inbed a youtube video?

Just paste the url into your post. No need to mark it as a link or anything.

Copy the url straight into the message body and you should see the video pop up. Same goes for images, soundcloud links etc etc

Can we get it to do a quote like the old board? Not convinced by the ‘reply’ feature at the mo.

    Amps Can we get it to do a quote like the old board? Not convinced by the ‘reply’ feature at the mo.

    Yeah just select the text and a “quote” button will pop up. This adds the text you’ve selected to your reply.

    Amps Winning!


    This format is so much cleaner and up to date. Love it.

    Although I can’t help but feel superior to the refugees flooding in here now and the rankings should def have a weighting for that.

      HopHead Although I can’t help but feel superior to the refugees flooding in here now and the rankings should def have a weighting for that.

      I suspect this and many other influent factors are taken into account by THE ALGORITHM ™, given that it feeds directly from the spreadsheet.

      All hail the mighty ALGORITHM ™.

      HopHead Love how mechanical it is. No room for emotion, just data.

      Hugo will go hard just reading that post

      Is there any option whereby if a post receives lots of ‘Thumbs down’ hits, the post is somehow relegated.

      I’m trying to think of ways the board can better self police, rather than the mods have to wade in and delete/ban people.

      Yeah that’s part of the gamification stuff, so posts can be sorted by “hotness” which is calculated by how popular/unpopular posts are, as well as the number of posts in thread.

      Time is also a factor, so newer posts with the same “hotness” will bump to the top.

      Think those rankings need to be a ‘per capita’ or ‘per post’ style aggregation. The spammers are going to have a field day.

      Can we get some more structure?

      The old board had two distinctive sections (general discussion and tunes & mixes) that worked really well.

        Disagree. I really like that all threads are presented on a single page, but annotated so I can see which segment they belong to.

          Keep at it, ed! It will all click into place soon, mate!

          Smallman1 Can we get some more structure?

          The old board had two distinctive sections (general discussion and tunes & mixes) that worked really well.

          I thought the same, but I’m definitely coming round to it as it is.