Kells77 mono-stereo I’m not on VR chat, but I’ll check that out! I don’t know if you can play Steam games or not, because I haven’t tried….just have the ones I bought from the Oculus store. I’ll check that out too! Thanks! 😃
nicksneddon Kells77 do a massive line of nosegay and play Resident Evil Biohazard on it. Thank me later
vinnyt77 nicksneddon 🤣 I’ve basically done exactly that, but on PSVR. Vicki was out for a night, so thought I’d treat myself to an evening with m’new PSVR kit. Bit of bugle as well. Fairly early on in Resident Evil, there’s a bit where a zombie type thing walks past a window a ways ahead of you. Proper shit yourself moment. At that exact moment, my cat brushed past my leg. New trousers please.
Along_the_Wire I had to stop playing Resident Evil on the PSVR - it was just fucking horrendous. Feeling sick and being scared shitless is a dreadful combo.
jonattonyeah Some harmless fun if you have some time to kill.
-si- Bit of advice pls lads, my 9 year old is making some noises about gaming. Her best mate has an xbox, she wants one too. Her best mates dad actually has his own xbox, which his kids aren’t allowed to play and they have one of their own, which tells a story of its own lol. I see there is an xbox around 250 notes, is that some sort of lite version? Would this suffice to see if she actually sticks at it and plays it over a period of time before shitting out 650 quid on the new one?
Mad_Cyril -si- Her best mates dad actually has his own xbox, which his kids aren’t allowed to play LOL. The Grot Box
Along_the_Wire -si- crush her and get her a second-hand PS3 like the sort of thing my mum would do (with the best intentions)
Millsy Along_the_Wire lol. I was going to get you an xbox but figured you are growing up so fast I got you a bean to cup delonghi
-si- Sage advice lads, appreciate it lol! "“And just to cement my position as the greatest dad on the planet, i got my commodore 64 down from granny’s attic, along with my favourite game, wonder boy. I know, you are welcome!”"
Millsy I was against getting ps4 at first but they are fucking brilliant. Playstation plus is well worth it alone. Final Fantasy 7 temake this month as a freebie. Mint
-si- What price for one of those millsy? I am 95% certain it will be flavour of the month for, well, a month and then be used to set her drinks on while she watches other people play games on youtube again!
Mad_Cyril Just get her on Roblox Si. My nipper is on there with all her mates, barely touches her Switch