DT is one of the worst Dj’s I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen him many times. The UK love for him always cracks me up. One fond (painful) DT memory I have was from his m_nus yourself collab party with Hawtin.
First off Hawtin doesn’t come on until like 3am, which even by NY standards is pushing it. He manages to play what was probably the last great set I’ve heard from him, until at like 5:30 DT turnes up looking like Christopher Lloyd at the end of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Absolutely zooted to the gills. He proceeds to cut the music and starts screeching over the PA system in his most NY queen’d up voice shit like “ I just got off the chopper from the Hamptons” and “who’s ready to party?!” He also starts making requests over the PA for Hawtin to play tracks off the newest DE9 release…. “Richiiiiiie! Whats that one I LOVED?! Oh yeah play ‘THE TUNNEL’!” Awful. We left around 7am, and Tenaglia hadn’t even fully come on yet. To his credit, there was a line around the block to get in. However, I say with zero humor that DT draws the most bottom of the barrel crowd of any Dj on the planet, so you can only imagine what the queue to get into Pacha at 7:30am looked like. Ronald Reagan’s worst fucking nightmare. Just human piles of meth and broken light bulbs.