LT42 I tried Confessions of a Dangerous Mind as Rockwell is one of my fave actors. I thought it was a complete waste of time, got bored, turned it off halfway through. Any movie with Drew Barrymore in it can get in the sea.
jonattonyeah Don’t expect big things! It’s just a good movie. Expectation is the root of disappointment.
C_J The Drop & Booksmart are both solid but not mindblowing. Have you seen The Town, Edwina? Now that’s a movie.
jonattonyeah C_J “Your daddy didn’t have the heart to tell his son that he was looking for a suicide doper who was never coming home. If there’s a Heaven son, she ain’t in it.” Postlethwaite really dialed it up in The Town. Great movie.
Thom_Fuckery C_J The Town is a movie!! I’m gonna have to revisit The Drop as I seem to remember it being kinda shit…
jonattonyeah Might be time to shake up my movie choices given Amazon just recommended “Death Wish II”. Needless to say, watching “Death Wish II”. 2.5/10.
vinnyt77 The Departed. More than solid 7.5/10 The Gentleman. Dross. Turned off half way through. 2/10.