jonattonyeah Pickles Don’t think it was Live from Twilo? Yeah somebody corrected me on that earlier in the thread. Been trying to finish up 2004 for ages. Have the top and the bottom sorted. The middle of the pack is doing my head in.
-si- Which much loved and hugely talented artist fell? I can’t be arsed reading the thread from the start again?
bosstrabs -si- I actually think Jonattan underrated the Cassius mix, it’s good IMO, but I won’t go into battle for it.
jonattonyeah I don’t want to live in a world where we can’t make fun of a much loved and hugely talented artist falling out of a window.
jonattonyeah bosstrabs If I remember right, it was the second half that ruined that mix. The first half was pretty good, sans the mixing like you said.
bosstrabs jonattonyeah Fair play, the second half is as dodgy as Benson getting his medical knowledge from the Daily Mail.
jonattonyeah bosstrabs One time I walked into our Medical Director’s office and he had the “Management of HIV” Wikipedia page open. I was like, oh.
Kells77 I thought you didn’t have FB Jonnaton? Or is that someone else? I thought that’s why you couldn’t listen to some mix that someone posted here before.
jonattonyeah Kells77 I don’t have Facebook. Somebody else must’ve posted it or something. I’ve never had an account so I’m not even sure how it works when it comes to posting links or whatever.
bosstrabs Of course, Benson never actually gets his info from the Daily Mail. Oh, yes he did. Today actually.
Mad_Cyril -si- I hope he gets his tummy rubbed soon. Not sure I’ll be able to sleep knowing he’s in such distress.
nicksneddon Unbroken1 haha #metoo, absolutely fantastic stuff. Don’t know if I’ve ever heard that Fire Island emix I’ll have to tuck in
sbando Dubman Nice one Si. Just had a look myself. I feel some new members maybe joining soon. Most of them seem to appreciate JY’s bants!