They play for 48 minutes a game and have squads of 15 people and only 5 on the court. The Premier League play for twice as long and more than half the games.

I loved the game as a kid and represented my school up to under 13s and then my fucking parents moved and the school I went to didn’t play it. The problem with watching it now for me is that games are only interesting at the end and only if they’re close - I realise that’s not how it is, it’s just how I view it.

Those baskets in that Jordon documentary are breathtaking.

    Always been amazed at how easy they make slam dunks look. I am 6 ft 5 and I don’t think I can touch the hoop, let alone get above it to dunk.

    It’s the changing direction whilst floating through the air that’s the miracle.

    Was also surprised at how Jordan keeps his cool in front of the media. Always got 20+ cameras in his face, asking the same questions over and over. Yet always seems willing to talk, never gets stressed out. Contrast that with some of the interviews on match of the day!

    jonattonyeah When We Were Kings is one of my favourite films. It is truly fantastic and not really about boxing, Grant. It’s a documentary about one of the most remarkable people ever.


      Yup. When Ali had his marbles he was always at a 10 just ’cause that’s just who he was. In “When We Were Kings” he’s dialed up to like a 13 or 14. He is out of his mind. It’s fantastic.

      Have just finished episode 8 of The Last Dance, sensational.

      Jordan, Pippen and Rodman are the equivalent of Me, BF and Dave.


        Watched the first episode of white Lines… So disapointed.Was expecting a doco about Grandmaster Flash but turns out to be Elderado on drugs. Shite.

        Dubman Thought MC had a live in translator who kips under the stairs of his mansion. who only comes out when he’s watching Netflix

        I had to get rid of the small phillipino boy when Operation Yew Tree kicked off.

        I don’t care much for basketball but fck me the Last Dance is pretty exhilirating

          Jules72 Yeah, same. I’m actually saving the last episode til tomorrow night once work’s out of the way. I’m amazed at what an ordinary bloke he is off the court.

          The sum total of my basketball viewing was in the early 90s when bbc1 showed it for a while, think it was on a friday night. Always remembered the bulls from then because of jordan. After some of your reviews about this i started watching it last week, what a fucking tremendous documentary. Really enjoying it. 3 left to watch now.

          For every yin there is a yang!

          White lines is fucking ballix! Apart from the filthy, milfy, spanish ma wanking off the priest. She is a tremendous piece of kit.

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