jonattonyeah bourdain seemed like a genuinely good guy too, just couldn’t get passed his demons.
He visited a couple of spots some friends worked at in San Francisco (Comstock and Alembic being two off the top of my head). When the cameras weren’t on, they said he was more interested in shooting the shit with the bartenders, the back of the house line cooks, the food runners, over owners or investor-types. Had a genuine appreciation for the grind of the work more-so than the fancy outcome. Said he came across as just a genuine, curious dude who had a way with words.
jonattonyeah I always wished I was friends with that guy for that very reason…he just seemed like a down to earth dude, with a wicked sense of humor and kitchen skillz.
Enjoyed Borderlands, all three series.
Scandi detective fare based in Finland. Didnt spot Hannu in the background though
Finished S3 (and final season) of “Dark” last night - Fucking brilliant show.
Started re-watching Breaking Bad but started from the third season. Still good TV viewing.
Suburra was excellent! Just finished second series.
Trying to get the missus to watch BB, she didnt first time around. Any reason why you started at S3, DM?
Tossing a coin between the sinner or dark for me next…
I’ve downloaded a hooky version of s1 succession. Two eps in. It gets better, yeah?
Breaking Bad is awful from series 3 onwards. Properly awful
Just done S1 of Sinner, brilliant, now onto S2, also seems great. Mrs loves it too as there isn’t much blood after the 1st episodes
Along_the_Wire lol that’s ridiculous.
Yeah stick with it. The second season iirc I had moments where I was thinking-is this turning into a comedy? Then the final scene hits you with a sledgehammer and you’re like ’holy fucking shit this is amazing!!".
Really battled to get through Succession S1 - cant quite put my finger on why
Will see if series 2 is any easier
Just finished Sinner 3 - agreed with Dubman - still good but didn’t get the ‘feels’ (MillsyTM) with this one as much as first two