Homegrove I thought he was hamming it up a bit. Lovecraft Country proved he’s a great actor, but this felt a bit OTT.
Wally Homegrove I watched the episode twice and the first time I thought that but I was definitely more on board with it the second. I think any actor being told to play ‘someone who has lived a million years alone and is the overlord of all time in order to protect against other versions of himself destroying the galaxy’ is gonna have a hard time of it.
Wally Really enjoyed it - I kinda wish i’d known it was renewed for a second season and / or it was gonna end on a cliff hanger before watching it but hey ho.
Homegrove Dan reading Reddit-comments on this surprised me. People are 95 % on her side. I guess everyone really hates the studios always screwing people out of their money.
Wally Disney’s tone deaf ‘won’t someone think of the billionaire stufios?!’ didn’t really help. The Stresiand effect in full force.
Wally https://variety.com/2021/film/news/black-widow-scarlett-johansson-disney-fallout-1235031315/ ‘To bolster their argument, the suit includes a 2019 email between the actress’s legal team and Marvel Chief Counsel Dave Galluzzi, in which the studio attorney promised a traditional theatrical bow “like our other pictures,” while adding “We understand that should the plan change, we would need to discuss this with you and come to an understanding as the deal is based on a series of (very large) box office bonuses.”’
Wally A contract lawyer goes through ScarJo’s complaint. Worth a click n read if you’re interested in it.
Homegrove Pffft, I’m not going to watch a CARTOON. Only entertainment that’s meant for adults, like this: