nicksneddon Dan Its disappointing – the first episode was absolutely outstanding, since its moved t’egypt its just got dull. Hope the last couple of episodes bring it back to London and Blade makes an appearance
Wally Dan Yes. Ep 3 was not quite as good as the first two (mainly because Steven wasn’t in it that much) but ep4 was great. The last 10 minutes was amazing.
Homegrove Episode 3 was dull, ep 4 was great, the Egypt-stuff included. Went into full horror for a minute there, which I did not expect from a Marvel-show.
nicksneddon No but im hoping hes on his way – the new film is rumoured to be set in London in part so I was just putting 2 and 2 together
erik nicksneddon aaaah right, would be nice to see him make an appearance after hearing his voice at the end of Eternals
zackster LT42 he absolutely is/was. No one has done a better job with the Bruce Wayne role. Especially RP he played him live a virgin dork. Will go a step further as Jeremy Irons is also the best Alfred.
Homegrove The hangar in the new death star when the emperor arrives is probably my favorite matte painting scene ever. So much detail.