erik Thought the last episode was a bit of an anti climax. Steven was much more enjoyable to watching compared to Marc as a character. Anyway, it’s helped kill time until the release of Dr Strange 2 this weekend
Homegrove Seeing it tonight. Didn’t think Moon Knight was shit per se, but not great either. Didn’t struggle watching, but will not miss it. r/marvel and r/marvelstudios went agaga over it, so the superfans seemed to like it.
Amps Homegrove Better than most cgi, and massively helped the look and feel of the films. Watch the prequels and its like watching a kids cartoon by comparison. I lke the droids on the right hand side the most if I’m honest.
Homegrove Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Madness was a lot of fun. Lot more Raimi-stuff in it then I expected which was great. 4 Bruce Campbell cameos out of 5.
Homegrove erik was thinking about that too, but since it’s going to be on Disney in 3 months… I’ll wait.
erik Homegrove I’d like to see it in 3D though… I’m sure the moment it drops on Disney+ the boy will be begging me to buy it
nicksneddon As with the other multiverse films I feel it gets a bit messy sometimes, however it was a really entertaining 2 hours or so – loved all the Evil Dead references throughout the film as well
zackster erik I heard. My idiot friends who watch movies for babies all told me that I’d be thrilled to see the trailer. They were not wrong. Jim Cameron has never been more needed in the cinema. Cannot wait to see this.