Avatar 2 trailer got 184,000,000 views online in one day. Ya’ll best be ready to swallow Jim’s dick and balls whole, because he is absolutely going to do it again, folks! Yes, Avatars 2, 3, and 4 are all coming, just like he said they would, and they are going to elevate humanity to a new enlightened reality
nicksneddon the end product still looks like a video game
And, I am sorry, but wassup? Have you seen the fucking muck that MCU and Star Wars put out? You clap like a fucking circus seal while the most flat fucking shit ever sluffs across the screen. Even on the fucking iphone, Avatar 2 looks infinitely better than anything Marvel has ever vomited into an iMax. This new Cameron masterpiece is intended to be viewed at a frame rate that will cause some to experience epileptic fits. Get on board now lads. A new world is dawning, and if you spend too much of your time being a capping naysayer human meme then you will find the doors of Pandora SHUT when you try to come a knockin’!