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  • DJ setups/Mixer porn/New toys thread...

Along_the_Wire Currently saving to get myself a setup again. Sitting on hundreds of tracks! 😀

I’ll have an RX2 in fantastic nick knocking about if you fancy that?

Can anybody identify the controller Ryan Davis is using here?

    Got a problem with the sound on my new xone mixer. All of a sudden i only get sound on the left speaker on the left Channel & Right speaker on the right channel. It’s all wired up correctly.

      Yes sir. Bought some new XLR cables. It’s working fine now. Got a feeling it could be the cables though. I did plug my old mixer in and that worked fine.

      …sorry, wasn’t you! How you getting on with the 23c?

        It’s ok. I only bought it so i could play vinyl and have the option of connecting it to my PC. It is pretty basic though but it will do for my needs.

        Unbroken1 how come your switched to rotary? I was going for a master sounds raduis then had second taughts

          Heno …actually had a couple of rotaries before that one, got my first in the late 90’s/early 2000’s I think.

          Quite liked the sliders when I was using Traktor and the built-in soundcard meant a much cleaner setup, when the Rane 2015 came out that was the best of both worlds and I definitely prefer rotary when using CDJ’s these days.

          • Heno replied to this.

            Unbroken1 ah right would you recommend the db4? Have a old 92 but want to try something different

              Turning nobs to mix stuff is where its at Heno

              • Heno replied to this.

                Rotary mixers give me anxiety 😅

                • Dan replied to this.

                  Was very tempted to buy one but bottled it.