Homegrove No complaints whatsoever. Great sound, the EQU is great curve-wise and full kill, the EFX has more options than I need, and the soundcard is perfect for the times I (now rarely) use Traktor.
Theconsole I use this. I don’t know how ultra portable you want , but I was in the same dilemma as you. This was the only solution that worked. http://www.samsontech.com/samson/products/portable-pa/expedition-rechargable/expeditionexpress/
Dubman I got my xone 23c yesterday and have connected it to my amplifier but not sure if I’ve connected it properly to get the best sound. Do I connect my amp into the master outputs or the monitor outputs.
Along_the_Wire My fucking XZ still hasn’t arrived - fingers crossed for September. I’ll have a lot of tunes to choose from at least!
Unbroken1 Flares …Novation Launch Control XL MKII https://www.gak.co.uk/en/novation-launch-control-xl-mkii/911130?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2ciY2Oux6wIVhbh3Ch1EhQ86EAQYAyABEgID6vD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
Dubman Got a problem with the sound on my new xone mixer. All of a sudden i only get sound on the left speaker on the left Channel & Right speaker on the right channel. It’s all wired up correctly.
Dubman Unbroken1 Yes sir. Bought some new XLR cables. It’s working fine now. Got a feeling it could be the cables though. I did plug my old mixer in and that worked fine.
Dubman Unbroken1 It’s ok. I only bought it so i could play vinyl and have the option of connecting it to my PC. It is pretty basic though but it will do for my needs.
Heno Unbroken1 how come your switched to rotary? I was going for a master sounds raduis then had second taughts