DJ setups/Mixer porn/New toys thread...
Amps …used to be on FK’s Wave forum which was frequented by a lot of disco soundsystem guys from the 70’s/80’s. I think their verdict at the time was that it was different from the sound of the original, but not necessarily worse, there were some issues with the original mixer like crosstalk that were rectified on the LE.
There’s a fella called Mario G who is on some of the soundsystem forums that sells original Urei/Bozaks but completely reconditioned, new faceplates, back panels etc. He also does a lot of the commonly requested mods, removing the balance controls, external power supply etc.
Thing to remember with Urei/Bozaks is that they really colour the sound, can be fantastic when playing more ‘live’ sounding soul & disco records, but not necessarily great for modern digitally produced/compressed tracks.
I’m seem to remember the main complaint being the component / build quality. I can believe the originals gave a bit of something to the sound though.
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Unbroken1 …needing to get the home studio/edit suite up to scratch for WFH purposes, invested in some smart new stands for the Adam’s
How do you rate the ISO Acoustics Damo? I have a pair supporting my Dynaudio AIR6’s and use them, but largely think their claims are hogwash. They definitely take the piss on how much they cost. I was kind of shocked to find out they’re a Canadian company for some reason.
…always thought they were daft expensive to justify on their own, but they are integral to the stands. The monitors sound infinitely better on the stands than on the desk, but don’t think this can be attributed to the Isoacoustics, more likely improved by position and distance between speaker/ears
With the CDJ3000 released will Pioneer drop the price on the 2000’s?
I don’t know what this little toy is but Farina is bumpin some proper Deep House on it. Love it.
LT42 I watched a few of Jonathan Peters’ streams during lockdown and it was a similar kind of setup. First time I’d seen someone DJ for hours on end without any form of turntables. Unique I suppose!
Someone got in on the Long & McQuade Attic Sale, huh?
Along_the_Wire I have a pair of 8040’s which I’ve had for almost 10 years. One of the best purchases I’ve ever made. I also have a pair of old yamaha’s (around 20 years old!) which are just so harsh by comparison. Far too big for my current room tho - but looking at other solutions. Was in the BT sport studios a couple of years ago and can confirm they have them in there.
Just on this point, the DJS1000 does a great job on the chunky button front, very easy to get along with.
loopdokter haha that’s exactly what happened. ultimately i want either a rytm or tr8s for a dedicated drum machine, but for $300, i couldn’t turn it down.
303abuser haha that’s exactly what happened. ultimately i want either a rytm or tr8s for a dedicated drum machine, but for $300, i couldn’t turn it down.
I’ve nearly pulled the trigger a few times on discounted DrumBrutes as well. They’re not well loved for the sounds they generate. The clap is a bit shit, but other elements are alright. I own a Behringer RD-8 and I’ve come to learn I largely use drum machines for samples and that’s it.
I want to get my hands on one of the Behringer TR-606 clones. That’s always been a personal fave sound of mine.