• Music
  • DJ setups/Mixer porn/New toys thread...

loopdokter Yeah I know….now Managing Director at Defected.

Why do you still have dealings with the new owner? Krafted own it all now.

    I use the Vestax PMC CX. Never really wanted anything else. What extras would a new mixer offer?
    The CX is almost 20 years old after all.

      Nothing wrong with a trusty workhorse. Only reason I switched my Xone 62 to PX:5 was the audio interface.

      Rollo44 …its a nice mixer, loved my old PMC-15 and always wanted the 46

      4 days later

      Dan Why do you still have dealings with the new owner? Krafted own it all now.

      That’s the point. I don’t. Wez signed up a few of my things back when he was running the label and was always on top of accounts, etc. Solid dude.

      Then Krafted took over, I hit them for royalties owed after a year and change and the owner told me he wouldn’t pay out unless it reached 50 quid - which was laughable because the money owed isn’t his. That was never in my contract either.

      It wasn’t worth going after him by the time I’d consulted a solicitor and all that. The music industry is fucked up enough as is to bother with crumpets like that.

      I haven’t received a single account from them since them having taken over. Good labels just send out their accounts and that’s that done. We’re all chasing the same pork scratchins and pulling stunts like that is shoddy as fuck.

      • Dan replied to this.

        loopdokter We did loads of remixes for them year ago. I wouldn’t expect anything tbf. This why i don’t waste my time making music…..total waste of time in the digital era.

        We only used Endemic & The labels for coverage, plus we got loads of our mates involved to remix….Mates that had never been on Beatport and the like. It was just a bit of fun and a buzz helping mates out. Some of their work has been played by the likes of Sasha/Bill Brewster/Prins Thomas.

        I very nearly went from DDJ-1000 to Denon SC6000 + X1850 setup (net cost of £3k once the old kit was sold) but in the end I’ve gone to the XDJ-XZ. It was only £1000 to upgrade but despite lacking in screen resolution / hard drive bay (which I’m not too bothered about) - there was a business case for hiring out the Denons in Cyprus if events were running and.. well.. they aren’t.

        The XZ is absolutely awesome too and it’s the first time I’ve heard Pioneer mixers sound great on Vinyl Turntables since the old DJM500 / 600 mixers (having not tested the DJM 900nxs2 I assume this also now sounds good again on Vinyl).

        I’m loving where Denon are going and in the case of both the X1850 and the Prime 4 I couldn’t get away with the smaller knobs and slightly more clutter so I probably would have gone for a Xone PX5 or 900 nxs2 had I gone for the SC6000.

        Still sure I’ll get SC6000 pair one day as they do look amazing, I just think we’re a long way from needing them.

        zoogly …nice setup! You need a bigger console… or maybe one of those stands that elevates your CDJ’s above the mixer:

        …is that Petra & Co. in the mix?

          …Isonoe custom porn, ‘family portrait’

          • Amps replied to this.

            I like the minimal approach and the slightly industrial oversized look is good, but a bit of variety wouldn’t go amis.

            …its all in the guts Amps, function before form here!

            That like really expensive, my kids would love it

            Lovely looking kit. Love the vu meters on the mixer.

            Unbroken1 The gas chamber one is still my fave. Lols to 50kg worth of paint and having Pentagram design the icons etc. it must cost a small fortune.