finished it earlier. How much did money did the girls get at his first trial that were paid off. The camera room may hold more evidence unless it wiped it before he got arrested. Ms Maxwell certainly needs to be found to answer serious questions.
jeffrey epstein (didn't kill himself)
Zach, if you want to get your teeth into some juicy pedosadist evidence then look no further..
Posting in here as well as the Trump thread [same caveat]:
This story had less than a second back when the charges were filed in 2016, or whenever it was, and zero people gave a shit about Epstein’s inclusion, because most people still had no idea who he was. Her accusation is undeniably true, imo.
If I was Jeffrey I would’ve killed myself.
zackster I didn’t know these docs existed until yesterday and was pretty shocked reading them. Then a few people were ‘oh yeah, those are old docs. Nowt new’ as if it was nothing.
So there’s court evidence Trump is a rapist nonce but no one is bothered by this and it isn’t a story in the press at all?
Like, what’s going on? Why isn’t it? Do people think it’s fake? Are the press blocked from discussing it for some reason? You would think that would be the story of a life time for the press against Trump at least?
Is the world so far gone that the president being a peado nonce is just ‘meh’?
There’s probably higher ups in the media who Epstein had on tape too. The whole story has been black balled. Vox wrote a huge article on this back in 2016, don’t think anyone mentioned it in then msm at the time.
LT42 I get that most media is owned by a handful of people but they can’t all be peado nonces in the pocket of Epstein and his tapes.
My own guess is that since the docs were legally sealed, the press can’t talk about them without opening themselves up for a lawsuit (or they fear being done over by Trump and his moron army). Even so, you would think it would make one or two places. The story is too big (imo)
Yet that PizzaParlour nonsense got so much traction, even today.
Wally Those rings are more prevalent than is widely believed, Wally. Epstein ran in those circles so the chances of them being involved are prob higher than not. I guess we’ll never know.
The fact that its a huge story and there’s nothing mentioned at all outside a few online articles adds even more weight. They could run stories and redact names etc but the name just happens to be Trump. If he wasn’t President maybe he’d be finished. It’s such a bizarre web. Derschowitz himself was named by several women and yet he’s on the doc defending himself. The former head of Fox was a sex pest, its not beyond the realms of possibility that heads of other networks were/are too. There’s a good reason Epstein had his whole house fitted with cameras. Entrapment through sexual contact is the oldest Intelligence trick in the book.
- Edited
FabiParas Yet that PizzaParlour nonsense got so much traction, even today.
There was a really compelling theory floated on one of the Epstein Chapo Trap House episodes about this. The idea is that the powers that be knew that the Epstein shit was going to hit the fan, and wanted to get out in front of it, so they started the whole Pizzagate Q-Anon thing as part of a CIA counter intelligence opp. The dude Jack Posobiec who started the whole thing is ex navy intelligence, and the CIA has a history of doing exactly that.
Also worth mentioning that Ronan Farrow has been sitting on the cover up scoop since 2015 but has been gagged by powerful sources. I’ve read that it’s linked to the same people in Hollywood who’ve operated a ring for decades.
Ronald Bernard exposed the depth of pedophilia in a series of interviews before he was found dead.
LT42 Also worth mentioning that Ronan Farrow has been sitting on the cover up scoop since 2015 but has been gagged by powerful sources.
Supposedly thats why the Netflix show was so wishy washy too. I thought it was going well enough, until the 4th episode which was a total joke. Supposedly they had to cut out a lot of shit, and recut huge portions. The way they suddenly made it about the strong empowered victims was a late stage scramble. Most all of that footage was from the CBS special that aired months ago.
Now that we’ve all seen it, I think I can state my major issues…
- WHERE THE FUCK IS GHISLANE?!?! I didn’t expect there to be a surprise arrest in the end, but they didn’t even take the time to put “Ghislane Maxwell has yet to be charged or arrested, and her whereabouts are unknown” in text on the screen. Nothing. Un-fucking- real.
- Not a single word about the temple. The majority of America had never even heard of Jeffrey Epstein until the temple images went viral. They have a fucking guy who says “I’ve been in every building on that island.” followed by overhead shots of the temple, and then nothing…. Like, at least have him say “sorry to disappoint but that building really is just a storage shed.”
- Same goes for Donald Barr hiring Epstein at Dalton or the fact that Donald Barr was connected to Robert Maxwell thru WWII intelligence work. That wasn’t worth a single sentence?
- And nothing was said about David Boies representing the victims in the last case. A close Clinton ally helps put a bow on the Epstein scandal, and we don’t even get a “David Boies of Clinton Impeachment fame…” So suspect.
The whole thing reeked of the old Nixon “limited hangout” tactic. Dear Andrew has clearly been cast adrift, but Bill and everyone else that we will probably never even know about are safe and sound.
I dunno where I read it (probably here tbh) but isn’t one of the producers of that Epstein show good mates with the Clintons so it’s a totally redacted version of events?
Dubman Gueffre? Yeah. To me that would suggest (given his status) that anything he was involved in was done in private. Not like Prince Andrew who had multiple photographs taken with him and his accusers, it seems Bill would’ve had a bit more tact. 27 visits and he says he was never there suggests he has something to hide. Like the workman at the island says, he could’ve just said yes I was there but it was always for business, tied in with Gueffre saying she never saw him doing anything, it would’ve exonerated him somewhat. There could well be girls out there who know much more.
He’s defo been at it worh the rest of them. The lot of them should be fucking lynched to death.
Bear in mind Clinton was in his late 40s when he started his affair with Lewinsky, she was 22 at the time. Same age as some of the women Epstein raped. Of course 22 is highly legal but it just points to the fact that young women weren’t an issue for these “old” men.