That cheese center can’t be within 5 miles of Ed.

    I have to be honest, I prefer quality junk food, and in most British cities nowadays you can find a very good hamburger somewhere and probably a good smokehouse too.

    And we have to thank the Seppos for that. They’re still fucking idiots when it comes to everything else though.

    Smallman1 this is problematic as I will be expecting a pizza box filled with trash style meal when we go out on the town.

    benson Just what the Doctor shouldn’t order! Lol

    I do love a chicken shiesk.


    zackster throw it in the bin and get chilli sauce and garlic sauce instead of curry sauce. Then eat the lot.

    No hands, that would be uncouth.

    Hands behind back, faces in the box and trough.

    Best to make sure you picked up the compulsory colonoscopy voucher too.

    I assume a top hat, white gloves, and tails are required.

      Smallman1 Cheese = Certain death for OLB.

      I found an image displaying the typical day-to-day existence of Ed Smallman:

        I was all in for the “meat box” until they put watery curry source on the donna meat. WTF.

        Beef in the US is mostly tasteless due to all the growth hormones and shite you lads feed cattle.

        • -si- replied to this.


          It’s all gravy once you get the squirty cheese from a can all over that beef pate, mono!

          Meanwhile in the USA

          Apparently this is the number one dish in Missouri. Missouri Waffle Cone:

            Courtesy of the good folks of Louisiana. Beans, ham burger and lobster with a side of bin liner.

              mono-stereo I’m from Missouri and I have NEVER seen anything like that 😆

              More accurately, we’re talking about:

              Toasted Ravioli

              Gooey Butter Cake

              Kansas City BBQ