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  • GU board legends and melters

Think the only booth worth being in is Papa Sven’s

Old-Dutch I went in there as a rescue mission as my mate was sat on the floor. The tart.

Similar scenes at MOS for Harvey. However he does engage with the punters.

    Dan Similar scenes at MOS for Harvey

    Met Harvey once. That dude is a lunatic. He’s hilarious.

    • Dan replied to this.

      LT42 Usually a loud larrikin whooping and shouting “Its Saarsher baby” front and center….it’s a sight believe me on these shores.

      • LT42 replied to this.

        IndustryStandard I saw him leave the booth (in an absolute mangled state) at 1015 in San Fran 20 years ago to hang out with a chap he seemed to know and 2 blonde dolly birds down the front, who weren’t there for dancing shall we say. After a minute or two of schmoozing he realised he was actually going B2B with Diggers and hightailed it back to the decks. He had to walk passed his Yank disciples all groping him like he was Keith Richards. Great bangers that night.

          LT42 the guy is like a God in some circles here in New York, mostly down to Twilo. He used to do a couple a boat parties a year when I first got here from 2008 and every one was rammo. For a city that had fuck all house events pre Outputs opening that always surprised me. My American mates always referred to Diggers as Sasha’s record box carrier from the Twilo days, which I thought was a bit harsh but also a tad funny ……..always the bridesmaid 😆

            Dan I remember moving to London after Uni in ’98 expecting massive nights out listening to S&D only to find they’d buggered off to NY to do Twilo.

            Proper legendary status here in NY. The last throws of NY clubbing, when there was a superclub on every corner and the whole place wasn’t gentrified to fuck. I’m mates with a group of Americans who all met at Twilo and have remained mates ever since. Great bunch. Think as America is so vast and competitive, it’s hard for them to form tribal groups of close knot friends like in the UK. Latching onto something like Twilo meant a lot to them……..plus the bangers helped……..

              IndustryStandard Think as America is so vast and competitive, it’s hard for them to form tribal groups of close knot friends like in the UK

              It is tougher over here. And people move so often. Moving also isn’t the same as in the UK as the distances are far. I have friends in Cape Cod, LA, New Orleans, New York, Boston, all over the place. One ends up moving from social group to social group depending n where you live. Making friends here is easy, but long-standing friends aren’t nearly as common.

              S&D were always big here, too. Much of it being them championing local artists which a lot of big European DJs never did. Jondi & Spesh, the Hardkiss brothers, Aquatherium, a ton of West Coast/SF sound like Halo, Tony, DJ Garth. They didn’t just here to DJ, they took part of this scene with them wherever they went.

              IndustryStandard I always thought that Sasha played really different at Fabric during that period. A lot more breaks & tripped out tribal stuff. I suppose it was a taste of what they were dishing out at Twilo. My mate had a fantastic job as a trader and always rated Junior Vasquez’s nights. Said he’d drop tracks like Sacred Circles and the whole place would go nuts.

              6 months later

              Sorry, bumping an old thread but this has brought back memories of the GU Board and a lot of familiar names. Completely forgot that you could send someone your address and a few days later receive their mix CD in the mail.

              Other things I remember..

              Wasn’t there some love triangle between Kim Diego, Michael Amherst and a guy called JordanStr8?

              Then there was someone who created “The Fairytard”, used to misspell one as won and everyone thought it was Lee Burridge.

              And probably like this post, you could be accused of being the “Captain” if you sank a thread with your post.

              Got a lot of member mixes on cdr, I think I still have the Bankhead-mixes in the big box of CDRs that sits in the garage that I’ve been meaning to go through for a few years now.

                Greg Whelan sent me his copy of Will Saul’s Balance because he didn’t like it. That’s a real comrade-move and I’m still grateful because I love that mix.

                  😂 the term “captain” was used to denigrate someone guilty of posting out of date information, as in “captain five minutes ago”

                    I must have misremembered the captain thing…never saw it on other boards.

                    I’m glad I found this thread as it brings back memories of being on that messageboard a lot and I remember all of those incidents that have been described!