mono-stereo I agree with that, but when Cunt appeared in TV Go Home, I could barely function laughing.
Funny jokes and pics thread
I once saw a Brooker at a festival with his wife and baby in a pram. I don’t think to this day I’ve seen a more miserable person.
Along_the_Wire Did you ever get the annual? Fucking hell, it’s funny. The edition of Daily Mail Island is genius. The Daily Mail has a question of the day in the letters page with a yes and a no argument - in the Daily Mail Island the question posed is “Is homosexuality an abomination” and there are two arguments “yes” and “yes”. Fucking brilliant.
Lol, that is class!
Along_the_Wire Met him at a mate’s birthday about 8/9 years ago and he was quite jolly and the centre of attention
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This is the thread I never check in on normally, whether on Bedrock or the previous Jaded Clubbers.
The proper mongs’ thread, route one to lols via other
mono-stereo brilliant
This thread is littered with absolute rubbish. Its actually the opposite of funny.
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Now Amps Im disappointed with you for that - it was nothing personal. You meant well even if the thread title is akin to something a 3 year old would scrawl on the wall with chalk. Its not your fault that literally none of the posts are funny in the slightest.
The top top jokes thread is where it’s at.