Along_the_Wire Aye. This one really made me laugh:
Funny jokes and pics thread
Did you ever get the annual? Fucking hell, it’s funny. The edition of Daily Mail Island is genius. The Daily Mail has a question of the day in the letters page with a yes and a no argument - in the Daily Mail Island the question posed is “Is homosexuality an abomination” and there are two arguments “yes” and “yes”. Fucking brilliant.
LOL. No i missed that. I don’t think Brooker is anywhere near as funny as he was back then. All went downhill after Nathan Barley.
mono-stereo I agree with that, but when Cunt appeared in TV Go Home, I could barely function laughing.
I once saw a Brooker at a festival with his wife and baby in a pram. I don’t think to this day I’ve seen a more miserable person.
Along_the_Wire Did you ever get the annual? Fucking hell, it’s funny. The edition of Daily Mail Island is genius. The Daily Mail has a question of the day in the letters page with a yes and a no argument - in the Daily Mail Island the question posed is “Is homosexuality an abomination” and there are two arguments “yes” and “yes”. Fucking brilliant.
Lol, that is class!
Along_the_Wire Met him at a mate’s birthday about 8/9 years ago and he was quite jolly and the centre of attention
- Edited
This is the thread I never check in on normally, whether on Bedrock or the previous Jaded Clubbers.
The proper mongs’ thread, route one to lols via other
mono-stereo brilliant
This thread is littered with absolute rubbish. Its actually the opposite of funny.