seanc80 It was funny, I was giving you exactly what you wanted.

The top top jokes thread is where it’s at.

Amps genuine snigger for that Humdinger


All joking aside I think it’s sweet that even after 50 years he still knows how to spoil his wife rotten on their anniversary

That gate post was made for eating chicken out of a can.

I love everything about this picture. Everything that is awful about the (mainly Southern, though I acknowledge the lad at the back has a Newcastle top on) English in one simple pic. Right down to the haughty arrogance that having a rubbish picnic in a rugby club car park is doing something ‘right’.

    Looks like potted meat in the sandwich.

    Their meat was potted
    Their brains were rotted
    And their bants were as shit as when Rhouses squatted

    bosstrabs The menace on the left is putting on those gloves and smiling like he’s about to re-enact the Christopher Walken scene from True Romance

    Just spotted that they’re also drinking Corona, bleurgh.

    14 days later

    This has kept me amused today:

    • Amps replied to this.

      The #wrappedupwarm from the ‘Twickers being done properly’ picture is still making me laugh.

      I love the face on the bloke holding the knife.

      That cunt is an estate agent, guaranteed.