303abuser rhouses Cutting sugar is the best thing you can do. You may want to consider just eating berries for fruit too. The fiber helps, but replacing one form of sugar with another isn’t a fantastic strategy.
Dubman Cankles-McJeggings You’re definitely onto something regarding stomach problems and antibiotics. Thanks Dermo
Dubman Cankles-McJeggings think I may found out what’s been causing my stomach problems. I had a big flare up Saturday evening & all day Sunday. which all started after eating a large bowl of pasta on Saturday. Since Sunday I’ve cut out all gluten & my stomach has almost completely settled down. fingers crossed I’ve sorted it.
Cankles-McJeggings Haha I have actually. Didn’t really do much. This was kombucha in a green tea base. I liked it too but didn’t seem to do much then I read green tea isn’t particularly good for IBS in cases so ditched it.
Smallman1 I’m just about to have a huge slice of Red Velvet cake from the Hummingbird bakery. Or winning as I like to call it.
Morty-C-137 Smallman1 Is that how you have successfully shrunken your balls to the size of raisins and grown breasts?
Millsy Smallman1 washed down with an ice cold stem glass of rose? BLISS X Live, laugh, love and velvet cake and rose xxxxx 💓
Smallman1 Millsy washed down with an ice cold stem glass of rose? BLISS X Live, laugh, love and velvet cake and rose xxxxx 💓 Dance like nobody’s watching, love like you’ve never been hurt, sing like nobody’s listening, live like it’s heaven on earth. Not my words, the words of Mark Twain!
Cankles-McJeggings Smallman1 When you run 5 days a week and are blessed with great genes you can do what you want lads I’m pretty sure eugenics engineers would not be having the blueprint of their master race with glasses in your teens and bald in your 20s? You got awful genes smalls, think boot cut Replays with Porsche trabs.
Millsy Run like you’ve suaved the wrong Doris at the pub, Jump like you asked for a glass of rose at the bar, Splash like you put The Merciless World of Trance on the jukebox, Swim like the sham that you are.
Smallman1 Millsy Run like you’ve suaved the wrong Doris at the pub, Jump like you asked for a glass of rose at the bar, Splash like you put The Merciless World of Trance on the jukebox, Swim like the sham that you are. Lol!
303abuser Smallman1 Yeah that’s decent then, good for you. At 60 km/week, I have to make a real effort to not lose weight.