303abuser ScottBailey actually? because i’m not ashamed to say i still listen to hysteria every once in a while, love that album.
ScottBailey 303abuser I’ll get absolutely destroyed on here for saying it, but Hysteria is one of, if not, my favourite albums ever.
alistair David Bowie five years is an extraordinary documentary. Thin White Duke coked out of his head in the back of a limo drinking milk and penning the Station to Station album 😂
303abuser ScottBailey it’s a great album, i feel like a lot of the production was fantastic. it was a mutt lange album if i recall. i remember the first time i heard gods of war, the atmosphere on that record blew my 10 year old mind up.
ScottBailey alistair Me rocking out to Def Leppard at Birmingham NEC whilst Al’ is rocking out to George Michael at West Hamstead public toilets…
alistair ScottBailey I am not ashamed to admit I like George. Not in that way of course 😂 Brilliant live too. Ever so slightly more talented than Joe Elliott and the one armed drummer
alistair ScottBailey Talk about getting an easy ride. This board has completely lost its bite. Terrible album.
RichM Gorillaz Demon Days Live dvd, just because I was at the gig and it was superb Loved The Prodigy Electric Punks and Beastie Boys Sabotage on VHS back in the day.