bosstrabs Smallman, do you also Google ‘overpriced mediocre Chinese restaurants in London’ before arranging your fortnightly Chinky?
jonattonyeah Smallman1 Better have come with some Dave-esque 13 year old handys for those prices. Girls or boys.
bosstrabs Mad_Cyril Edwand in fresh bantzzz shocker. Good man, looks like there’s hope for you yet ! MC, I think you could probably invite Ed to a sample class of the Bants school you are opening. I think the poor lad needs it!
Mad_Cyril bosstrabs This is a new style of class Dave. There’s no learning involved, just a bolt gun. The solution is both quick and permanent
Along_the_Wire MEGA LOLS in this thread, especially early doors - special mentions to Dave, Si and the spectacular Mono.