Smallman1 I played this recently at a party I played at, sadly it cleared the floor!

    gcw I don’t think it was the song which did that - it was probably because Smalls entered the dancefloor when it came on.

    I was driving home from Chestnut Hill College to Reading pa, and I had this on my cd player. I was bored with it and threw in out onto Route 724 at Birdsboro , Pa

      hugopal Very odd behaviour if they’d publicly slagged it off not long beforehand.

        Echo ha, on page 88:

        “Sharam: [listens to Starecase and Breeder remixes] I’ve never heard a great song go to shit like this, and by two different people.”

        This was at exactly the same time as they were releasing the CD single in the US with both the Starecase and Breeder versions on it, then the next year they stuck them both on the 2×12 remix package.

        As I said, very odd behaviour.

        I will boldly go where others fear to tread. Was overplayed at the time but sounds fucking fab with the benefit of time. Treacles LOVE it too

          Homegrove Will take a copy if possible please H. Heard it a bit at the time but never bumped into a copy.

            bosstrabs The Toronto Afterhours mixes were their only acceptable output for GU.

            I’d never actually checked these out before. Just given them a whirl now.

            I’m not really sure what’s meant to be “after hours” about them, both seem fairly run-of-the-mill GU-type discs.

            I slightly prefer Sharam’s, but both are distinctly average. I guess that is still an improvement over their main Toronto discs though.

            As an aside - it’s a bit strange that Dubfire’s mix has St Etienne ‘Cool Kids of Death’ (Underworld Mix) on it, as per disc 2 of Tenaglia Athens. I’m surprised GU let that slide.

            Are there any other instances of the exact same track appearing in two different GU albums?!

              hugopal Both Tenaglia/Digweed both used this on GU’s. I’ve got a decent copy on vinyl ….looks like it could go for £50.

              I saw Deep Dish play a 6hr set in Edinburgh in 2002 and I’d definitely put it in my personal all time top 3. Never lost the crowd for a second.
              A hard 10/10.

              2 years later

              They’re back, and under new management. Already a ‘Flashdance’ BoTOX coming out which is even more horrific than the original. Can’t wait for the inevitable ‘Party All The Time’ BoTOX too…

                hugopal Are there any other instances of the exact same track appearing in two different GU albums?!

                Cascades of Colour (although it was a different mix) on both Seaman’s (can’t remember which) and Tenaglia’s (London).

                Albion - Air on both Digweed Sydney and Oakenfold NY.