Stone cold classic Ess Mix:
Deep Dish
What little I ever saw/heard about these, I loved them. I think I caught them at Shindig, heard a CD here or there and then I stopped hearing about them. They were loved in the North East.
Saw them a couple of times at Bedrock and they were ace. Then I heard one of their mixes from a later appearance at Bedrock and it was dreadful. It was the one with ’DDD - Let’s go’ on it.
Yoshiesque 1 and 2 were superb. Two of my favourite mix CDs ever.
There was also a Deep Dish ‘Cream Separates’ CD around this time that was solid. In fact, that whole mini-series is often overlooked. Paul Bleasdale put out one that was very good.
Moscow and Toronto were, unfortunately, dogshit.
If you’re seeking out more similar stuff from slightly later than that period, I’ve recommended it before, in my view one of the most underrated Essential Mixes ever:
They went downhill fast with Flash Dance and when they tied up with Puff Daddy/Tommy Lee for whatever garbage they put out. And I can’t say any of their mixes did anything for me, though my first GU purchase was Moscow and I did enjoy it for a short time. During my internship with BPM magazine, I was their ‘bitch’ for an event, sweet fellas and they were going pretty hard in the green room. Can still smell the ‘coco puffs’ in that room.
Admittedly my vinyl collection is full of Yoshitoshi stuff. I once made a massive purchase from their site, and they ended up sending me doubles by mistake. Still have a bunch of them sealed. Some of the in house we trust mixes weren’t bad. Can’t find it on YouTube, but Brother Brown’s Brotha Brotha is such a banger of a track.
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rhouses the uploader is Yoshitoshi’s official youtube channel lol.
But yeah it makes a lot more sense that the track in the mix you posted which says ‘Brotha Brotha’ in the lyrics is ‘Brotha Brotha’ and the other track is the B-Side.
I still think Under the Water and Slap Me Some Skin are better though.
bosstrabs Murk – now we’re fucking talking
Brother Brown at Fabric was good. Must’ve been 1999/2000. Under the water a definite highlight. Love that tune. Starecase with an underrated take on it too. Prefer it to the breeder mixes.
Remember that Mohammed is Jesus. They were very prophetic
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Saw Danny Howell finish a gig at the Electrowerks with the Starecase mix of Under the Water. Was Red Jerry’s night in about 2001. Scones
I’ll always be grateful for DD for signing this beauty.
Deep Dish I would imagine