Dubfire techno totally put me off techno. Worst come down of my life listening to his set live.

This however, is the beast of all beasts. Tore the roof off every single time I played it in a club.

Hursty is that literally taken from the actual mix he did? (Which still stands out as one of Diggers best ever)

    Old-Dutch it was DDD - Techno. Deep Dish and Danny Howells yes. It came out on a white label in 2003 or so, I have it, excellent quality too, so must’ve been put out by them cheekily. Lots of people hated it, but I actually still love it.

      LT42 probably, impossible to get hold it, I did message him on Facebook about 10 years ago regarding it, he replied saying it would be a good idea to release it but alas it never has. It almost sounded as though he’d forgotten about it

        Hursty sounds like he mugged you right off there lol

        He never wanted it to be released as he thought it sounded too proggy, lol - it’s head and shoulders above anything else he’s done in about 20 years.

        Is there a link to that mix? Im due a wank

          To be honest I’ve never heard anything else like it in my relatively short career.

          Cheers H

          Homegrove Thanks hannu. Very cool you blagged it, looked for it everywhere during my vinyl shopping days in that time.

            rhouses I bought it from a German shop, did not blag it. Decks.de had it at the time.

            I also have this on vinyl. You could have picked it up handy enough back in the day as a white. Think i bought it in Tag records in Dublin for a tenner

            • Heno replied to this.

              Old-Dutch darn tootin, Dutchy. He was in great form. Thanks for that. 👍

              bosstrabs cream separated was ace. Had the cassettes in my car when I was a yoof.