LT42 Hursty is that literally taken from the actual mix he did? (Which still stands out as one of Diggers best ever)
Hursty LT42 probably, impossible to get hold it, I did message him on Facebook about 10 years ago regarding it, he replied saying it would be a good idea to release it but alas it never has. It almost sounded as though he’d forgotten about it
Homegrove Old-Dutch it was DDD - Techno. Deep Dish and Danny Howells yes. It came out on a white label in 2003 or so, I have it, excellent quality too, so must’ve been put out by them cheekily. Lots of people hated it, but I actually still love it.
rhouses Homegrove Thanks hannu. Very cool you blagged it, looked for it everywhere during my vinyl shopping days in that time.
Amps Homegrove Will take a copy if possible please H. Heard it a bit at the time but never bumped into a copy.
Old-Dutch He never wanted it to be released as he thought it sounded too proggy, lol - it’s head and shoulders above anything else he’s done in about 20 years.
seanc80 I also have this on vinyl. You could have picked it up handy enough back in the day as a white. Think i bought it in Tag records in Dublin for a tenner