rhouses mono-stereo The pungent smell of puke from alcoholic Brits, specifically, and just overall nastiness. That’s what sticks every time I entered a public restroom in the UK.
Cankles-McJeggings rhouses Lolz at rhouses trying to defame Britain when he shits in a hole in the floor like a caveman.
rhouses Cankles-McJeggings Arseholes in India are pristine nationwide. Admittedly, I’d be weary of the hands of folks who opt in for a mug for the splash and dash method versus the bum gun.
rhouses Cankles-McJeggings Here are the steps: Wipe down with dry toilet paper for excess removal. 4-5 shots of water. Adjust pressure to avoid mishaps. Repeat step 1. I know you lot like to stick to just Step 1, but for appropriate Arsehole Hygiene, it’s without a doubt a three step process.
Cankles-McJeggings So you do actually smeer shit all round your arsehole then blast it off. Do you think blasting it off keeps everything neatly in your hole or there’s a propulsion of tiny droplets absolutely jam packed with micro turds flying all over the room?
seanc80 Cankles-McJeggings o you do actually smeer shit all round your arsehole then blast it off. Do you think blasting it off keeps everything neatly in your hole or there’s a propulsion of tiny droplets absolutely jam packed with micro turds flying all over the room? id imagine Rhouses might possibly put that in the ‘worst case scenario’ category.
-si- Cankles-McJeggings Lol. Rhouses splats himself in eye, again, as he squats over a mirror with his karcher jet washer, to try to free that final piece of last night’s dinner that’s glued to the hair on his arse.