-si- Amps Lol at talented but flawed. The family of the talented but flawed caretaker of the jewish people, adolf hitler, send their condolences.
alistair Is there ever a time when a call centre does not claim to be “experiencing a higher volume of calls than usual”?
Along_the_Wire Amps It’s got fuck all to do with money, it’s all to do with immigration - Brexit fucking cunts used money and bureaucracy as a simple cover.
Amps Along_the_Wire Sorry, on this I meant that it might be about immigration for the average thicket in the street, but I think it was about money for the politicians and their mates etc.
Along_the_Wire Amps I’m not joking. Immigration was a major issue for these cunts. A lot of them don’t care about the economic impact, it’s a small price to pay
Smallman1 A member of my family refused to buy a Spanish cauliflower last week. Couldn’t believe what I was hearing.