Along_the_Wire Millsy Truss will lose her seat. MTG may keep hers - she’s a fucking lunatic. Her Twitter feed is so fucking stupidly right wing - anyone that votes for that is mental.
mono-stereo The best thing about Truss is the theory on her BDSM day collar, which I absolutely believe.
Amps I see the US of A is looking more and more like a Verhoeven film each day, this must me going down well with the electorate @zackster
Smallman1 Couldn’t see a single Starbucks or McDonald’s in that Oakland video. America really is losing its way.
hugopal zackster I’m working on a project in West Oakland now. It’s fucking grim. Have you checked in on @jonattonyeah ?
zackster Worth noting that his odds are 50% which is much lower than people expect when seeing these headlines. Seeing as Joe is the incumbent I think he holds on to the seat
zackster Millsy at this point the only difference between the two is what sort of news coverage we will get.