Amps I see the US of A is looking more and more like a Verhoeven film each day, this must me going down well with the electorate @zackster
Smallman1 Couldn’t see a single Starbucks or McDonald’s in that Oakland video. America really is losing its way.
hugopal zackster I’m working on a project in West Oakland now. It’s fucking grim. Have you checked in on @jonattonyeah ?
zackster Worth noting that his odds are 50% which is much lower than people expect when seeing these headlines. Seeing as Joe is the incumbent I think he holds on to the seat
zackster Millsy at this point the only difference between the two is what sort of news coverage we will get.
Along_the_Wire zackster Biden didn’t pull out of the Paris Accord and he isn’t up to his nuts in Russian bribery for starters
303abuser zackster You could spend a week listing the differences, but let’s just start with the obvious that one agrees with the peaceful transfer of power and the other doesn’t. This is worse than your Bernie or bust stance.
zackster Along_the_Wire Biden didn’t pull out of the Paris Accord and he isn’t up to his nuts in Russian bribery for starters The Climate Accord was a meaningless agreement with zero enforcement mechanisms.