Anyone else think IS is slightly over egging the omelette?!

I finally got the auto calibration working after realizing I had the wrong speaker-selection put in. HUGE difference. The downside of going to real surround sound is now I have issues with only stereo-stuff. For example Mubi is mostly all 2.0, and all of SkyShowtime (which in Finland is the service that has Paramount+, Peacock and Showtime-stuff, plus Sky-originals) is also all stereo only. Another reason to watch stuff on Blu Ray instead, much better sound. 😀

TitianWarrior yeah, you should consult the manual. Most amps have something like that, where it puts through the input sound as it is with no added effects. In my Sony it is Pure Direct. I use it all the time, when the amp tries to make something surround that isn’t it always sounds a bit shit.

Thanks. Seems like amps with pure direct are the way forward. Will have a gander which brands have that option.

Over egging…….well, as I want to have my decks in my lounge as well as my TV all running through one set of speakers and one amp that does both jobs…..I think i’m under egging/full on egg whiting. Otherwise id have more speakers and amps than RicherSounds . Wouldn’t get past Mrs IS

I’ve got an even older Yamaha, built like a tank, no fuss and very loud. That’s got a ‘Straight’ button as well but never hooked it up to a mixer/decks to see what it’s like. Going to give it a go actually.

I’m pretty sure such a feature is common. Trust Sony to call it something fancy…‘Pure Direct’.

8 days later

Another question. Do any of your amps send bass via the sub out RCA when in direct/pure/stereo mode whilst DJing? I have a separate sub and have heard some AVRs dont send any sub signal when in this mode .

    IndustryStandard I’m pretty sure that’s in the settings too, it’s more common that the sub is in use with two channel stereo sound too.

    17 days later

    Two thumbs up for buying British HG.

    Not so many thumbs for opening up another wormhole that I have to avoid getting sucked into!

    Homegrove Do 2 upfiring front speakers make any difference with Dolby Atmos in a home? Clearly in a professional setup they do, but interested to know if they add anything in a home setup?

      Wasily depends on the room. Our home theatre is tiny, but I think in any setting front highs > upfiring atmos speakers. Most Atmos theatres have the ceiling speakers pointed towards the audience rather than down, so I’m basing my theory on that. There are actual ceiling speakers for Atmos also, but I think drilling holes for them, and the wiring is a bit extreme.

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