Heno If you want to profess to be more adept at women’s fashion than me, by all means, I won’t stand in your way…..


He still couldn’t mix two records together with much competence. My point isn’t to drag Warren into the muck (his kitchen could use some work, mind), but rather to say there are countless DJs who skate by despite questionable choices or abilities. Dunno why Kravitz always gets it on the chin whereas others get a pass. Her looks might be why she is where she is, but that also seems to give people carte blanche to dismiss her outright.

    jonattonyeah I get your point. I just don’t rate her or her music. Peggy Gou gets a hard time in some quarters but she was great when I saw her and starry night and make me forget are superb

    Nina is confident enough to take risks. Love that about her.

      sbando I suppose it depends on whether you’re taking a broad or narrow definition of ‘EDM’

      By its very definition, the words ‘electronic dance music’ are really quite vague, so I tend to use EDM as a broad category of mainstream dance music.

      I accept that there is a narrower definition, but it doesn’t make any sense to me.

      • LT42 replied to this.

        Is it only ugly women that we are allowed support in the #metoo world we now live in?

        In a world totally dominated by men both good and shit, ugly and attractive, it’s good to see some birds giving it a good crack, isn’t it Kelly? Shouldn’t they be supported? Looks should be irrelevant, shouldn’t they?

          If Kelley would do a live bedroom set in ridiculous shoes (preferably with close ups), I would be all over it.

            Along_the_Wire There are plenty of female dis that are actually good….Blessed (Black) Madonna, Mya Jane Coles, Heidi, DJ Heather (veteran), Dj Honey Dijon (veteran), Amelie Lens, Andrea Parker, etc…..we don’t need fake as fuck screw ups like this woman around.

            I don’t give a fuck if she’s pretty or not. Her mixing is awful and she should be ashamed of it. But she’s not because there are people who slobber over her good looks. I’m not about supporting women for any old reason. They have to be doing something worth supporting, and she’s not for me.

              bosstrabs LOL….you’d be really disappointed. I’m not pretty OR a good dj 😂 I might have some ridiculous shoes still though…I’d have to go dig around in storage lol

              Black Madonna is an absolute moron. Now thats someone I can get behind hating.

                She was aggressively anti Bernie yet openly complained about not having the things he was pushing for. Totally brain damaged. Got her self run off of twitter which was beyond satisfying.

                  Kells77 you do give a fuck that’s she’s pretty, you mentioned it earlier.

                  The list of female DJs and producers is tiny, listing half a dozen who are better doesn’t solve the problem. Let her get on with it, she’s making a living and people rock her sound - not interested personally