We have so much pot around here that once it gets down to a ¼ left we just throw it away and start anew.

    Kells77 Sorry….we smoke differently here. What do you mean there’s no roach? (The roach being the little bit of a joint left that’s unsmokeable)

    Is that your ‘sandwich’ in the photo?

      Smallman1 lol hell no. That thing looks nasty. I never understood the fascination with mixing donuts with savory things like lunch meats or burgers. Gross. They’re meant to be enjoyed separately.

      jonattonyeah We have so much pot around here that once it gets down to a ¼ left we just throw it away and start anew.

      Same. No point in trying to keep it going. Now back when I was a teenager, we would smoke them until we burned our fingers lol.

      It’s much better than adding tobacco to a joint, sure it’s not as social as the way we do it over here. The USA & Canada are so far head in the weed game.

      If you don’t add baccy it doesn’t burn as well or as evenly. Unless it’s like really bone dry and finely ground. Which imo can be a bit too harsh.

      Also, you’re wasting a lot of weed as it burns between puffs, which is why a lot of the yanks smoke it using the one-hit-and-pass approach.

      Both styles, of course, have their merits. Lack of cancer-causing tobacco being a big one. But personally I go with the Dutch school when it comes to all things weed.

      Or at least I would do if i wasn’t a forty year old, married, law-abiding citizen. :/

      Purificada, todo tiempo. Tobacco joints are pukey. You wouldnt inhale a huge drag off a cigarette and hold it in. Tobacco joints are breeding grounds for whiteys and the ending of your evening.

      Never puff puff passed a joint that didn’t have tobacco in it. Finland eh…

      Use to add tobacco with my joints all through my youth. Now in my 30s after giving up cigarettes, I’ve learnt the error of my ways. Adding tobacco is disgusting. Plus it completely messes with the high with all that nasty nicotine, makes it very difficult to tell the difference between indica and sativa.

      If you break up the flower correctly or thoroughly with a grinder, there shouldn’t be any issue with it burning evenly or wastage. Also, Raw Black papers (or Raw Organic Hemp) all the way - especially if you want your j to burn evenly all the way through. Rizlas are for heathens.

      No cardboard roach/filter tip is not only dangerous because of the amount of high heat going directly into your lungs, it also gets nasty with all that gunk build up matched with your saliva. No cardboard roach is as disgusting as adding tobacco IMO. You get booklets of cardboard filter tips - again Raw does a great job with the perforated edges so you can easily add folds inside the roach. You also get glass filter tips which are reusable. Every single pre-rolled joint I had in the states had cardboard filters in them.

      If you want pure weed with no adulterants don’t wrap it in paper! use a glass bong or a pipe ffs!

        I’ve used a dab pipe before.

        jonattonyeah Christ that’s giving me flashbacks to two of the worst years of my life. Still, worked wonders for all my last minute assignments in college.

        C_J Or just buy a vape pen. That’s what I do. No muss, no fuss. Just straight stoned.

        2 years later

        Just gave myself a like for that extended essay on tobacco and joints. lol.

        Back on topic. Recently discovered the beauty of egg salad sandwiches. Currently my mix is hardboiled eggs, kewpie mayo, dijon mustard, and grated wykes vintage chedder (love the crunchy salt bits), salt and pepper. If this is not already perfect enough, I’m open to tips.

          C_J Raw Black Organic Hemp, my latest paper of choice.

          rhouses egg salad sandwiches.

          Lol, of all the sandwiches you go for this!

          rhouses love that you call this a egg salad sandwich but there is no salad in it