bosstrabs Expat food shops in China stock Sacla, Buitoni and Cirio and that’s about it.

Yeah well I’ve been telling you for ages that China sucks, yet you still defend it and choose to live there, so…

rhouses It’s fucking epic and also a solid step closer to a heart attack. Double win.

bosstrabs I know you are but what am I?

Well considering I don’t think I’ve even posted a pair of “trabbs” on here before you must have been referring to someone else - just clarifying who.

I think everyone knows the people who rock the most horrific trabs on here are Sean, Rhouses and Loopy.

bosstrabs Monsieur Horrortrabs, as they call Loopy in France

<Hugo> That’s not how the French would say it.

Les horreur baskets de clochard!

BlainSA where is this kewpie hate coming from. I get it, it’s become hipster shit, doesn’t change the fact it’s one of the best mayos in the market. IMO.

    Almost any mayo is better than Kewpie. Even that shit they use at Subway.

      bosstrabs Experimented with some own brands stuff with a mixed response - I can assure you that Tesco’s own brand mayo is rancid.

      Special mention to the “rare roast beef” at Sandwich Sandwich near our offices which I tried yesterday. Not cheap but worth every penny and properly stacked. Roast Beef, Red Onion, Tomato, Cheddar & Horseradish Mayo.

        alistair & Horseradish Mayo

        I can never get my head round shit like this.

        Fuck mayo.

        Why couldn’t a place just use a standard, punchy horseradish sauce without bastardising it and watering its flavour down+fattening it up mixed in with mayo?!