-si- Your joking? give it another go.

jonattonyeah I’d guess much of the subtle humor is lost if you’re not familiar with LA and all its fantastic horribleness

Not being from LA myself, interested in what you mean by this? I find Johnny Lawrence really funny in it. Fun TV.

    Trying to watch Designated Survivor, yet to be convinced.

    • Amps replied to this.


      There’s just a certain lifestyle as a kid down in SoCal. Hanging out in strip malls, like outside of laundromats and convenient stores with nothing else to do. Or just sitting in a car somewhere. Or just aimlessly driving down boulevards. The show really goes at length to show that and for those of us who are familiar with how SoCal is, there’s a nostalgia and a humor that comes along with it. Some might just see those scenes as literal - what happens is what happens - but, there’s more nuance there. That’s why I understand if some are not fans of the show. Part of the humor is the familiarity.

        Amps Kiefer Sutherland must be wondering if he should have given up some of his pay cheque to get some proper writers. Soppy shite. Swerve.

        Am watching that Formula 1 doc Liqui recommended.

        Daniel Riccardo is an absolute clown.


        jonattonyeah “Bad Boy Billionaires: India”

        I watched two episodes last night. That Kingfisher guy is a right cnut. I used his airline for a couple trips and always felt he was under charging for the service. Not paying his Indian staff was despicable especially as he payed his staff outside India. How corrupt are the banks. In fact the whole country is. I’ve learned over the last 20 years that nothing is what it seems in India. But i still love going there.

          Dubman Rhousez dad is a mover and shaker in the Indian banking world iirc. Was he mentioned?

            He hasn’t been on for a while. Hope he’s not lying low in some foreign country.

            13 days later

            Any decent films on Netflix UK at the mo? Need something for tonight.

              Trial of the Chicago Seven? Not seen it yet but it’s by Aaron Sorkin so probs decent.

              • Amps replied to this.

                Wally Will have a look, but if Eddie Redmayne plays a slightly shy / delicate / understated but nice bloke, I’ll turn it off and swear to never watch a screen ever again, same goes if it has the look, feel and budget of a late 70s made for TV film (see Da Five Bloods etc).

                Mostly yes, but he does raise his voice once! As for the latter, don’t think so.

                • Amps replied to this.

                  Arctic has also been added to the UK Netflix, and is supposed to be good.

                  • Amps replied to this.

                    Homegrove I suspect he is playing some ideal he has of himself, not convinced he’s an actor as such.