LT42 I was unfortunate enough to watch the chrimbo TOTP and what a load of bland RnB/ShitHop . Compare that to watching the re runs of late 80s / early 90s where you’d go from from the Roses to 808 state to Cathy Dennis to Rene and Ronata. Talk about eclectic
Music just isn’t the most important yoof pastime or profit generating medium anymore. Creatives just move into other things now such as gaming or app design , so we lose a chunk of people who may have produced interesting music . Also seems like commercialism is more important . When I was at school you tried to seek out unique hidden gems. This was common place and led to indie tracks charting and knocking traditional artists off their perch . I don’t hear this happening too often nowadays .
going back to the KLF, love the whole story. One was a music exec right? Plus there is some stat that they had the most global sales of singles in one year. Amazing considering it was a glorified piss take . The fall out of them burning the $1mil and relationship bust ups and regretting in hindsight is also an interesting read .