Amps It’s a bit on the nose calling one of the main characters Mobius and having the whole thing look like a Mobius book. I’m sure it’s some sort of homage, but it’s got all the subtlety of a kick in the nuts. I’m sure lots of sci-fi has done the time police thing before too, but it feels like a proper steal from Jasper Fford. Still better than most of the films so far.
Amps Dan First two where okay, looked like it might be off somewhere interesting and then… resort to standard shiz. How the fuck have they not signed up Lynch as a writer / director / creative for one of these yet?
Dan Amps Lynch wouldn’t touch Disney with a barge pole. Hiddleston is also producing it. My kids love so it’s worth £6 a month.
zackster Amps How the fuck have they not signed up Lynch as a writer / director / creative for one of these yet? Because he is probably the only remaining artist with class/self respect?
Homegrove Hiddlestone has said that episodes 4 & 5 are his favorites, so I hope they explain episode 3.
Homegrove Dunno, those were all Lokis. I would love Secret Wars at some point, it’s easily my favorite Marvel-book. The first one from the 80s I mean. They can never do that though, even with half the characters.
erik Homegrove isn’t Secret Wars going to be Avengers ⅚? That’s what the cosmic and earth based MCU building towards.
erik Homegrove I expect we’ll see Doom before long. I think Kang will be the lead up to the next big bad.