Amps Dan First two where okay, looked like it might be off somewhere interesting and then… resort to standard shiz. How the fuck have they not signed up Lynch as a writer / director / creative for one of these yet?
Dan Amps Lynch wouldn’t touch Disney with a barge pole. Hiddleston is also producing it. My kids love so it’s worth £6 a month.
zackster Amps How the fuck have they not signed up Lynch as a writer / director / creative for one of these yet? Because he is probably the only remaining artist with class/self respect?
Homegrove Hiddlestone has said that episodes 4 & 5 are his favorites, so I hope they explain episode 3.
Homegrove Dunno, those were all Lokis. I would love Secret Wars at some point, it’s easily my favorite Marvel-book. The first one from the 80s I mean. They can never do that though, even with half the characters.
erik Homegrove isn’t Secret Wars going to be Avengers ⅚? That’s what the cosmic and earth based MCU building towards.
erik Homegrove I expect we’ll see Doom before long. I think Kang will be the lead up to the next big bad.