Yeah the rules are arbitrary and mostly idiotic. Where we don’t muck about is with over-serving as we can be liable if somebody fucks off, drives home, and murders a family in a drunk driving accident. If they can show we served them too much, it’s on us. I’ve paid for far too people’s taxi rides home. People I don’t even know other than pouring them a pint (people smashing through flasks in the bathroom is tough to monitor and you can’t always tell they’re hammered, if it’s busy, until they stand up).
California is okay for the most part. As long as you don’t act a fool with the ABC. But in other parts of the States, places with dry counties where right as you cross the county line there’s 400 liquor stores, are just dumb about it.
And then there’s New Orleans were you can get a daiquiri at a drive-through as long as the paper part of the straw is still on. If I lived there I’d be dead already.