• General
  • jeffrey epstein (didn't kill himself)

jonattonyeah hard to not include both Epstein and Ghislane.

Also, and this is probably my Pa biased talking, but I am partial to Sandusky. :

    zackster As far as the public is aware Whacko only has a handful of notches on his belt, if that. Therefore he will never make the HOF. Sandusky is defo in the mix. Woody Allen might be a late contender, in plain sight for years.

    jonattonyeah A number of my good friends went to PSU, and like what ever its a fine school, but you’d swear they got into Harvard. I took a disgusting amount of satisfaction in the Jerry story. Really shut a lot of annoying bar blow hards right up.

      zackster I also worked with a Yank who went to that college, and he was in tears in the office when Uncle Joe or whatever they called him had the press camped on his doorstep.


        bosstrabs I think of Joe’s “Go home and study 👍🏼!” parting line on a weekly basis. Its burnt onto my brain like the movie pi.

        zackster Yeah. His “sliver” camera room was the key to the empire. Can you imagine the footage he had on people, including the footage of Trump raping the 13 year old, which allegedly happened in that apartment. Obvs what got him killed in the end and all that footage was taken out during the FBI raid and presumably destroyed.

        zackster i have, i liked that it was victim-centered, but found that it really didn’t cover much territory. we need name and shame tactics. it’ll help to keep the story in the conversation i guess. i also did a bunch of reading on this last summer, maybe people are generally less informed about the events, i’m not sure.

        finished it earlier. How much did money did the girls get at his first trial that were paid off. The camera room may hold more evidence unless it wiped it before he got arrested. Ms Maxwell certainly needs to be found to answer serious questions.

        Zach, if you want to get your teeth into some juicy pedosadist evidence then look no further..

        Posting in here as well as the Trump thread [same caveat]:

        This story had less than a second back when the charges were filed in 2016, or whenever it was, and zero people gave a shit about Epstein’s inclusion, because most people still had no idea who he was. Her accusation is undeniably true, imo.