Ok, so to recap - in a thread where we are all (correctly) annoyed by the fact that NHS workers have been only awarded a 1% pay rise, I make a post about the NHS itself needing to reform and post one example of how it is not running as efficiently as it could / should.
Wally completely misunderstands / misinterprets what I am saying and then pretty much tries to call me a racist for saying it. He then asks for evidence of how much the NHS pays out in unrecoved costs it incurs for providing healthcare for people who should have the costs of their healthcare recharged to their own countries as agreed within national agreements.
We seem to have agreed that the sum comes somewhere into the figure of hundreds of millions (lol). Wally dismisses this figure as chicken feed in the grand scheme of things. What business can afford to write off hundreds of millions of cost recovery? There will be none - if there was they would have gone out of business a very long time ago.
This is what I mean when I say the NHS needs reform. I have worked in the public sector and loosely aligned to the NHS on a number of occasions over the last 20 years.
I for one feel great that the NHS is so flush with cash that it can afford to write off hundreds of millions of taxpayers money yet only give our Drs and nurses a 1% pay increase after all the shit they’ve been through this year.
This is merely one example of the organisation being wasteful / not business-like enough. How many others will there be?