I think 100% of the population would agree that the NHS workers at the bottom and middle of the pay scale are not being paid enough for what they have had to put up with recently. I am not including consultant anaesthesiologists (@benson) or cardiovascular surgeons (@Wasily) in this because their compensation is broadly commensurate with the hardships they endure, in my opinion.
The question is whether their pay rise should be funded from general taxation or not. The 1% pay rise they have been offered is not acceptable and I don’t see how the Tories can ride this one out - but I don’t think a tax on the general public is the correct solution.
My proposal is simple: set up an official NHS COVID BONUS gofundme page, PayPal the NHS your donations and publish and publicise the league table of contributors. This could be great PR for our clap-for-carer Business Community who wouldn’t think twice about sending a few hundred bags of sand to an ad agency (@Along_the_Wire) so we Know They Care about our NHS heros.