So I’ve given both discs of 006 a full listening today, with an hour palate cleanser in between 1 and 2. Let me cut right to the chase and say that @Amps is absolutely right. Disc 2 looks down on Disc 1 from a great height. I honestly didn’t remember much about either disc, but it only took about 15 seconds of Imagine before it all came back to me. Disc one is such a disjointed mix of tunes, played in such an erratic fashion, I honestly don’t understand how anyone could think much of it. There are at least 2 transitions where John completely lets the air out of the balloon. However, I will also say that Disc 2 leaves much to be desired. The pace, mixing, and track selection are all far superior to Disc 1. This is beyond doubt. My issue is that Digweed takes things into a deep dark place, and never finds his way out again. I quickly remembered why I haven’t reached for this disc in probably 18 years. I mean, Out of It is such an unacceptable track to end a mixed cd on. If this was truly a snap shot of a 5 hour set, then fair enough, but as a stand alone mix it is very subpar.