He never wanted it to be released as he thought it sounded too proggy, lol - it’s head and shoulders above anything else he’s done in about 20 years.
Deep Dish
Is there a link to that mix? Im due a wank
To be honest I’ve never heard anything else like it in my relatively short career.
Cheers H
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T’was an absolute belter:
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I also have this on vinyl. You could have picked it up handy enough back in the day as a white. Think i bought it in Tag records in Dublin for a tenner
I was driving home from Chestnut Hill College to Reading pa, and I had this on my cd player. I was bored with it and threw in out onto Route 724 at Birdsboro , Pa
Zackster’s bird finally makes a
JC appearance!
Echo ha, on page 88:
“Sharam: [listens to Starecase and Breeder remixes] I’ve never heard a great song go to shit like this, and by two different people.”
This was at exactly the same time as they were releasing the CD single in the US with both the Starecase and Breeder versions on it, then the next year they stuck them both on the 2×12 remix package.
As I said, very odd behaviour.
More lies…..
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I will boldly go where others fear to tread. Was overplayed at the time but sounds fucking fab with the benefit of time. Treacles LOVE it too