rhouses Is Hugo comparing the Nazi’s blitzkrieg during WWII with the Hamas attack on October 7th
It’s not only that attack - stretching back to 1947 the pattern has been that Israel was willing to accept a two state solution but it was the others surrounding it who invaded it first and would not accept it as a country. As is the case in WW2 - heck, as was the case following 9/11, or following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - if you want to use different comparisons - typically when one country invades another and kills a large number of its civilians, that is usually a trigger for a larger scale war. If the Palestinians couldn’t countenance there being a war, they shouldn’t have launched an invasion.
And how many people precisely do you think an acceptable number be killed in the following war, as a response to Hamas’ attack - which also killed over 1,000 people? Should Israel be somehow checking every body to ensure that the age and gender of the Palestinians killed are precisely equal to that of the Israelis killed, because then Hamas - and you - would consider that to be a “fair” response somehow? Should they also be taking precisely the same number of Palestinians hostage as Palestinians have taken Israelis hostage - because that would be “fair”? Should they also be treating the Palestinian civilians the same was as the Israeli civilians were treated - in raping the women and parading their dead naked bodies through the street while desecrating their corpses? Would that be what you’d consider a “fair” and acceptable response? If Israel acted in such a way do you think it would make it any more likely Hamas would not attack again in future?