Dubman Smallman1 Some cunt came in and took a chunk out of my bedroom wall too How the fook did someone do that. Did he put his foot through the ceiling.
Smallman1 Was a cash and no receipt job. No scaffolding required. 3 different ‘roofers’ can’t work it out, don’t know what to do, am at my wits end.
Amps Smallman1 Shirley Smallman Snr. knows someone? Didn’t he do a gaff up not long ago? Think a VAT registered firm might be worth a look at this stage. One that guarantees the work and issues receipts.
Amps bosstrabs 😆 'Aoibhe. Aoibhe! They’ve done the ceiling, I don’t know how, but they’ve tarmacked the ceiling!'
Dubman Smallman1 Yes.. have a look on their website. The have a rating system. https://www.checkatrade.com/Search/Roofer/in/London?gclid=Cj0KCQiAj9iBBhCJARIsAE9qRtBAox6fyNphTcM2Nk0e-WnAZCoXlTkpJ32qnF2bEavGtUSRHFBJd0AaAsXHEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
Smallman1 Dubman Yes.. have a look on their website. The have a rating system. Good man, will have a butchers. Thanks.
Smallman1 Amps Shirley Smallman Snr. knows someone? Didn’t he do a gaff up not long ago? A friend of his from the gym recommended me the firm that cost me over £3k! All of his recommendations are getting the s to the werve from here on in.
Amps Smallman1 cost me over £3k! You paid out 3 large for a roof and didn’t get a receipt??? That’s some wheeling and dealing there Edward!
Dubman Jules72 I’ve got a few friends who are on there and I would certainly trust what they do. I also know some people who will only use checkatrade. Sure they’ll be some fake reviews. That’s why I’d get a few quotes first.
Jules72 Dubman think I had a look on there and many workmen had 100% positive reviews or 10/10 or whatever the score system is … nah wouldn’t trust it
bosstrabs Amps Currently composing an email to Edward from my microsoft-security@ms-account.com email add.
Smallman1 Amps You paid out 3 large for a roof and didn’t get a receipt??? That’s some wheeling and dealing there Edward! Was more! And I know, I’ve had a right old reg!
Smallman1 bosstrabs Currently composing an email to Edward from my [microsoft-security@ms-account.com](mailto:microsoft-security@ms-account.com) email add. Bank details en route Dave.